It was extremely interesting to hear about how the notes were chosen by Darren Curtis for his works. The Giza pyramid set up to create 0, 90, 180 and 360 AC amplitude, the fact that the sarcophagus happened to be red referencing 440Hz (out of interest I have always thought the key of A ‘sounds’ red) and the discovery of F#, A and C# in his observations were intriguing. I could not help but think that these ‘discoveries’ are a lot of the time made to fit inside theories in an effort to create fact. I also think that a lot of effort was put into what essentially at the end of the day was simply playing an F# minor chord. I do think I hit the nail on the head when I asked him whether he believed his work was a “sonic reiki” opening chakras and such which is fine if you believe that sort of thing, but from my perspective all the ‘discoveries’ could have been implemented into researching more real health benefits such as cell realignment, fat loss or even a cure for cancer. It also seemed to me that this was made into another musical art show to justify all the reseach.
Seb, get down to IP Australia and patent your Water-chimes. You are sitting on a gold mine.Tomczak, Sebastian. “Masters Student Presentation.” Workshop presented at the University of Adelaide 15th of May 2008.
Curtis, Darren. “Masters Student Presentation.” Workshop presented at the University of Adelaide 15th of May 2008.
"out of interest I have always thought the key of A ‘sounds’ red"
Are you synaesthetic, Freddie?
I'm not really sitting on a gold mine at all, since I have already published how to build these devices from scratch. I don't have a problem with that.
as to sonic reiki,
i think the key point he made was to compare the patterns made in the sand via sound vibrations (cymatics) with the concept that our bodies are 80% (or whatever) water which also resonates...
so what happens to our physical beings (which seems to be a major part of our existence - 100% for cynics) when exposed to physical vibrations in our environment ?
and, what about the brown note ? is that sonic reiki ?
Interesting comments about the frequency 440Hz being associated with red. I too associate an A note with the colour red, as well as a few modes ie. Lydian is green, Ionian is white). But I don't believe it's synaesthetic, just an abstract association that may have arisen through seeing an image while hearing a specific sound and remembering the association. I liked your take on the whole F# minor chord and the face on Mars. I guess we can make anything say what we want if we try hard enough :-)
[i]"Are you synaesthetic, Freddie?"[/i]
No. I don't physically see the colour red. I've just always associated it with red for some reason. Almost like it 'feels' red.
Edward, thanks for your comments. They're always good for a laugh. Now on to removing those words you put in my mouth...
For something to resonate it must oscilate at the frequency it is most easily able to do. To say that F# minor is the frequency (or chord in this case) for all cells in the body is pushing it. Now, I understand your argument is based on water in the body, but as anyone knows the water in the body is absorbed in all the cells. You cannot wring someone out and extract clean water the same way that all the cells where the water resides are all different sizes and shapes thus would have differing resonant frequencies. There would be millions of different resonant frequencies. Some sympathetic, some reinforcing and some cancelling out. If there was one magical frequency, I imagine the body could literally tear itself apart like a crystal glass. Yes the body resonates, but I cannot agree there is one and only one that the body can freely resonate at. Good Lord, a new born baby does not have the same size cells as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I don't recall ever saying anything of the sort, but what has the Brown Note got to do with reiki, sonic or otherwise? If Darren wants to create a soothing environment that has the potential to create a healing environment without western medicine then fine. Good on him. I think it is great. The only time I became sceptical was when the pyramids got mentioned. If these frequencies are the three 'life frequencies' of the body, then science will prove it. All I heard was heresay with no real scientific evidence. I simply just coined the phrase 'sonic reiki' as it seemed to be more spiritual than scientific. Speaking of patents I might have to go down to IP Australia and copyright that phrase. It has a cool new age ring to it.
Here's one to get you thinking. The Brown Note does not exist in free air vibration.
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