Monday, 8 September 2008

AA2 Game Sound week 6

Well I am now officially confused with all of this. I am well aware that an asset is merely a timeframe taken from one particular sound file but here we are looking at modifying a games audio files with about seven separate audio files representing one weapon all being referred to as assets as the example. It seems that the term ‘assets’ is a term used loosely and I shall take that onboard.
I have used three separate texture sounds of walking on various substances (wood, metal and swamp). I assume from the readings that these will all operate under the same global volume settings and will be triggered by the programming code as to what surface is being walked on and at what speed. This is about my understanding of this, and I know it is not very much. What a shame I am not a mathematical genius also. To be honest there are far too many letters and numbers floating about in our classes this semester for my peanut to take in. Give me lateral over logic anyday. So…when are we moving from programming and going back to sound and music again?

Haines, Christian. 2008. “AA2 –Game Audio. FMOD.” Seminars presented at the University of Adelaide.

FMOD, 2007, 2006, .

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