Monday 19 March 2007

Week 2 - AA1 - Studio Quickstart

Ok. What fun to be had. After going through the power up phase, which involved the girls name DORA, Laura, Amy and I thought we'd be on track for a recording. BU DUM! After fiddling about for half an hour, I figured we should get some help. We then found out that the inputs on the 192 interface was set to +4 instead of -10 in the Setup menu. With that problem solved we could go ahead and record the wonderfull song emanating from the radio. The song was some band howling away. Good grief!
Anyway, back to DORA. We have been instructed to power up the system in a certain order using that name as an acronym. D is for desk. O is for outboard. R is for recorder and A is for amps for startup in that order whenever using a large studio. Since studio 2 is a little different than that we were instructed to use a startup procedure like this:
1. Turn on mains power on wall
2. Turn on Phonic Power Conditioner
3. Turn on the 192 interface
4. Turn on the Mac
5. Turn the amps on.
Since the speakers are active, these are the amps.
We set up a 24 bit 44.1 session and recorded with a Neumann pencil mic. The mic was plugged into the lead, which was plugged into number 1 on the wallbay. That was feeding channel 1 on the Mackie which was recorded onto track 1 on Pro Tools. With a good strong signal from the radio we set up a gain structure with the Gain pot on the Mackie so we were metering just under clip. We didn't test the headphone send as they were all apparently broken and taken away from the storeroom. We made our tracks with the shortcut "Shift + apple + N" and flicked between the Mix and Edit screens using "apple + =". After finishing our recording we followed the DORA procedure but in reverse, ie amps, recorder, outboard then desk but in Studio 2's case as listed earlier 5,3,2 then 1. Curiously they prefer you to skip step 4 and leave the computer on until it's automatically turned of with step 1. Neutralising a desk involves putting all faders, knobs and switches back in their "zeroed", flat or off state so the next people to use it can start on a clean slate and not have to worry about switches that may be left on or off or knobs that are panned oddly, etc. After shutting the system down, turning off the radio, neutralising the desk and putting away the mic and lead we were done. Lovely.

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