Saturday 5 April 2008

CC2 Week 5

A lot more pennies started falling into place with this assignment. For example, a gate was used to link the pitch control with the delay (labelled ‘p delay’) but the switch only outputs 0 or 1. I needed it to output a 1 and a 2 for the gate. The answer: put a + object with 1 as the argument. Doh! It is actually quite simple after things start clicking in the mind.
Part 1 of this assignment is in the object “p keyfilter” and controlled by the menu above that is currently on “no output.” This is a drop down menu that will contain the options ‘no output’, ‘all keys’, ‘white keys’ and ‘black keys.’


Haines, Christian. 2008. “CC2 – Introduction to Max.” Seminar presented at the University of Adelaide, 20th March.

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