Sunday 22 June 2008

CC2 Sem1 Major Assignment

For some reason during this past week this project has had trouble working properly on a Mac. It has stumped me as it worked fine till a few days ago and everything except the GUI was done at Uni. The GUI was also operating fine at Uni till this week. It works fine on XP. The problem is that the febonacci scaler stops adding to itself after 47 times. As I said it works fine and continues counting till the end of time on XP. Strange.

Warning: Operation of this Max patch may induce a trance like state.

MAX patch
Haines, Christian. 2008. “CC2 – Creative Computing Semester 1.” Seminars presented at the University of Adelaide.

1990-2005 Cycling 74/IRCAM

Reason. 2008 Propellorhead Software


edward kelly said...

no trance 4 me :(

i have trouble loading all teh images as they is lookin for a particular folder which donnot exist !!

i try to make teh folder but still me no jiggle :(

this is from loading the rar from

i wass lookn forward to seeing how you did it :P

Freddie said...

They shouldn't be looking for a folder. They should just load. I deliberately removed the folder, put the images in the same folder as the text files and relinked them all in the pctctrl objects so it would open properly on a MAC. Are you only opening the text file named CC major assignment?

Freddie said...

After examination, yea, the 'pic' folder is still in the link name. I've had so much grief with this stupid folder stuff and pics not relinking that I just got rid of it and relinked the pics at Uni with the pics in the same folder as the text files. Why it is still saying there's a link to a folder that didn't exist when I made the new links is beyond me. Anyway, I took down the patch I handed in to Christian and just uploaded the version I have with that damn pic folder in it. This one will work for all the XP people.

Freddie said...

Oh and happy 'trancing.' :)

edward kelly said...

its bloody worse than b4,

earlier could load the picts (except one bevelled something) but no jpegs..

now diddgly anythiing !!!!

of course it may be because i'm drunk but i don't tthingk so ,, i think it's because it doesnt work :P

its still wanting the kruize/my doc uments !!

i have to admit to very carefully avoiding putting anything in mine that it wouldnt find..fuckin file path dramas !! (i did just notice that i havent even posted my max files o_O, tomooroow sober time oclock)

bloody Max,
it is the most crashiest annoying piece of software arse i've ever delt with for any length of time !!!

but i Njoyed it :)

fuck, i must b a masochist.

Freddie said...

I'll give it to you off my drive next semester when I see you. Doug's doesn't work either so we're all having this problem if custom images were used.