Thursday 26 June 2008

Is this really necessary? Do people really find this amusing? Am I overreacting? I may be overreacting to this particular image in itself, but I (and others) have tollerated Doug's racist slurs and backstabbing jokes directed at various students for the last eighteen months and at this point I have had a gutfull.
I can only assume it is a retalliation for my post on his blog because as far as I can tell, this image has nothing to do with any theme in his CC2 patch and as usual he has done this to deliberately incite a hostile reaction. The catchphrase in this picture is ironic, as very soon he will no doubt be a little bit blue too.


Loudman said...

What do you have against me Freddy? You seem to like taking some comments i have made out of context and twisting them into your personal vendetta against me. Im asking you to stop this public slander and take down these pages. This is not the right way to do this. Ive made a bad judgement in the image i selected for my project and it has been rectified. I meant nothing by it.

Freddie said...

Out of context? How does one take the racist comments you've made out of context? What you've been saying isn't even considered an opinion. An opinion is often regarded as educated. What you've said is simply back alley gutter talk with the typical redneck descriptions and names thrown in for good measure. I guess with your mentality all the people that crossed Sydney Harbour Bridge on Sorry Day have all got vendettas too. Everyones out to get Douglas. Poor Douglas.