Friday 27 June 2008

Semester 1 is DONE

Now more effort can be spent examining the phylosophical ideals of time and space, which I think this photo is a fine example of.


Bradley Leffler said...

Now this is art. The sybolism of the 'coke' bottle that represents multinational corporations and the subtle suggestion of whether the bottle is half full/ half empty... One could go on and on about this significant work. In regards to the artist I would guess it must have been a collaboration between at least 3 great minds.

Critiqued by Hemo.

edward kelly said...

indeed, the use of space in all fields; the "half empty" bottle, the empty chip container, the empty chair, and the distance behind the objects - all speak of the emptiness that we as individuals all consume through our daily existence as slaves to these "multinational corporations".

Or, as Jello Biaffra so eloquently puts it, "We are being farmed".

Not forgetting the symbols of our pathetic resistance (the fork embedded in the side of the chip vessel). This speaks volumes on our ineffective resistance against these "multinationals".

resistance is useless.

Freddie said...

It's all about the chip.