Friday 8 August 2008

AA2 Game Sound week 2 - Game Audio Analysis

Core Design 1996
Sony Playstation

Analysis of game in sequence.

Two differently pitched footstep sounds randomly alternating when walking. Always the same no matter the surface. Landing from a jump has a deeper sound, similar to dropping a large coat. Animal noises use volume changes to give a sense of distance. Levers sliding and doors opening use a grinding sound although utilising different pitches for each.

There are two distinct soundtracks. One comprised of ambient sounds using wind, synth tones, a reverberant gong and percussive noises creating an atmosphere of space and emptiness.
When opening a door or entering a secret area, brief string music starts giving the signal one is on the right track. Orchestrated music also starts when in danger or nearing the end of the level. These are the only times music is used. All other times the spacious, ambient track is used.

Lara makes different grunting noises when hurt, climbing or jumping, although not made every time she jumps. There is also a vo of “aha” when she finds a secret area or item.

What was significant about 1993 in regards to video games? The arrival of the First Person Shooter and the dawn of multiplayer on-line gaming: Doom.


Haines, Christian. 2008. “AA2 – Game Audio Analysis.” Seminars presented at the University of Adelaide.

“Tomb Raider Lvl 1.” You Tube. Accessed 8th August, 2008.

“DOOM” You Tube. Accessed 6th August, 2008.

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