Wednesday 20 August 2008

CC2 Week 3 Polyphony and Instancing

Basically it appears that any mono audio signal path can be easily made polyphonic by inserting the poly~ object into the signal path. Now I understand what Christian meant when he referenced a reverb effect. One can create the initial algorithm and then use poly~ to easily create all the instances of delay. I am unsure why “args” now has to be placed in the object to identify my second argument (being the division of the voice numbers to prevent overloading) as anyone that uses the object has to know to put that in to make it work, but I guess that is the way it has to be.
Haines, Christian. 2008. “CC2 – Creative Computing Semester 2.” Seminars presented at the University of Adelaide.

1990-2005 Cycling 74/IRCAM

Grosse, Darwin. 2006, The Poly Papers (part 1), 2007,

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