Saturday 13 October 2007

2007 – Sem2 – AA1 – Week 10 – Sound generation – Additive Synthesis

I was quite pleased with my recent understanding of Bidule. I found making this bidule patch easy. I ended up making an additive synth with ten waveform possibilities. I was going to add an LFO today, but the trial has expired. So instead of starting from scratch at Uni, I’ll blog what I have. I am confident I have this right as I was able to reproduce the ‘pumpkin smile’ with the first two waveforms, one starting at 0 and the other at +0.75. It’s not even Halloween yet.

The waveform below I posted because I thought it was interesting. Essentially a waveform in a waveform was produced by panning the first wave left and the other centred while mucking around with frequency settings.

Although my soundfile does not include sounds I will use for my final project, (as the trial period expired) I will definitely be able to make some chirping sounds when I remake the patch at Uni.

The audio is basically me mucking around with the settings so there isn’t really any parts of significance so I didn’t include a pic of it with markings. Until I add the filters and the LFO it is just a lot of different frequency tones and not synthesised sounds based on anything real.
Haines, Christian. 2007. “AA1-Additive Synthesis” Seminar presented at the University of Adelaide, 9th October.

Plogue Bidule. 2001-2007 Plogue Art et Technologie, Inc

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