Wednesday 24 October 2007

2007 – Sem2 – AA1 – Week 11 – Sound generation – Spectral Synthesis

FFT for me will certainly have its use in the future, but at the moment I am lost in the thought of knowing how to make an exact sound I want from scratch, ie not by randomly fiddling about. I would like to get to a point where I know the exact frequencies and shapes to create for the sound I need at that particular time. At present, it all seems a little random and whatever sounds we get seem to be by pure chance. Most of the sounds I ended up with when experimenting with white noise were variations of the “raindrops” that were made in class. I did expect to be able to make pretty much anything imaginable with the white noise since it contains every frequency. I got better results by importing real audio and changing the window parameters, varying the frequency of the filter and speeding and slowing down the audio itself. If I was to manipulate audio at its sinusoidal level, then Spear would be quicker and easier, but of course we could not add envelopes and such to it. Speaking of which, I tried adding an ADSR on an audio file and realised it only accepted a gate input and so far all I can see with gate outputs is a MIDI bidule such as Note Grabber. Can anyone tell me how to add an ADSR to affect audio. Pretty please.
Haines, Christian. 2007. “AA1-FM Synthesis” Seminar presented at the University of Adelaide, 18th October.

Plogue Bidule. 2001-2007 Plogue Art et Technologie, Inc

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