Saturday 31 May 2008

AA2 Week 11


I mastered songs from Edward[1] and Sanad’s[2] major assignments from last year.

With VU’s calibrated at –15 (RMS) I used EQ to bring out the vocals more and to add some air in the top end. I also used EQ to reduce the precussive sound from the acoustic guitar. Compression set at 4:1 was also used. The main thing I found was that when the second time “folly” is said, the sound goes dull then bright again. I don’t know if it had to do with mic technique or frequency masking in the mixdown. I am guessing it was the latter. The mix had a bit of out of phase content but nowhere near as troublesome as the next song.

Sanad’s song basically sounded better the minute I flipped one side out of phase, or in this particular case, back in phase. Again the VU was calibrated at –15, this time the song was off the scale with the VU completely pegged all the way through the song. Calibrated at –6 it still went over +1. This time the mastered version is actually quieter than the original, but at least now it should translate well on a variety of different stereo systems.
Personally I am not interested in ‘loudness wars’ so I focused on the tone of the sounds rather than simply making them louder.
Sanad Mastered
Grice, David. 2008. “AA2 – Mixing.” Seminar presented at the University of Adelaide 27th May.

[1]Louth-Robbins, Tristan “Tragic.” 2007

[2]Sanad & Co. "The song with no Tech students." 2007

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