Tuesday 20 May 2008

CC2 Week 9

I created an object named “infograbber” that contains the coll. I added the coll section as an effect of sorts. The data from coll can be collected on the fly when desired by the user and sent out and activated when felt appropriate. Each data list can be selected and the data sent to different MIDI channels or control devices. Logically everything seems to make sense. I get stuck sometimes remembering which objects do what at times though. All in all when a patch is thought through in small sections rather than one big finished assignment, I find that it is just a matter of logical thinking.
encapsulated object2 from week7
Haines, Christian. 2008. “CC2 – MIDI and Virtual Instrumentation.” Seminar presented at the University of Adelaide, 15th May.

1990-2005 Cycling 74/IRCAM

Reason. 2008 Propellorhead Software

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